DMU Dragons Volleyball 'family' prepare for Varsity

Ask Women’s Volleyball chair Petra Szollosyova what the most important thing about the club is and she’s in no doubt. “It’s being part of a team. We’re like a family.”

The DMU Dragons Volleyball team has a men’s, women’s and beginners mixed team and also runs free give-it-a-go sessions through DMU Active for students who want to try this fun sport.


And they not only support each other, but they are planning to support as many teams as they can during the upcoming Varsity clashes, cheering on DMU Sport.

“Our club policy is that each of us go and see at least two fixtures that aren’t volleyball during Varsity, but to be honest we see more than that. Varsity is exciting.


“Everyone sees Varsity as one of the most important games we have all year because it is exciting to play for your university. Having people to come and cheer for us – even if they don’t know us and have never seen volleyball before – makes such a difference.”

Being part of a team and playing competitively goes hand in hand with friendships and a solid social side for the teams, she said.

Petra, a second year Global Leadership and Management student, has been playing volleyball for six years after getting inspired seeing friends take up the sport and has been a member of DMU Dragons for two years. The men’s first team are second in the Midlands 2A British Universities and Colleges (BUCS) league and the women’s first team are mid-table in Midlands 2B.

“We play well as a team. We all know each other and rely on each other. Volleyball is a quick game so we need to be constantly looking out for each other.”

As part of DMU Sport, the Volleyball teams have their own coach and get extra training to improve their performance such as strength and conditioning. “The team enjoys S&C a lot because you notice the games are getting easier and you are faster. After even a month of training you can see the difference in strength and stamina.”

Fellow Dragon, Rebecca Christie Mills said: “I just love the sport, I love being with the team, training and playing in matches. I think playing sport helps you release university stress and I feel like it trains you not only in staying healthy but on how to be organised.”

  • Cheer on DMU Dragons in the Volleyball Varsity on March 12 at Leicester Arena – men’s tip off at 5.30pm and women’s at 8pm. Expect a fast and furious game as the sides race to be the first to win three sets.
  • Inspired by Varsity? If you want to give volleyball a go, head along to DMU Active in the QEII Leisure Centre on Fridays from 5pm to 6pm and Saturday from 10am to 12. 
Posted on Thursday 1 March 2018

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