Help students enjoy the things that enrich their student life and set them on their way to employment

An appeal has been made for donations to a special fund that can help DMU students get more involved in university life.

The DMU Opportunities Fund has been set up to help students enjoy the activities which enrich their student life and help them on their way to future employment.


Through the fund, DMU is able to support students across a range of activities, whether it is competing on the sports pitch, travelling to broaden cultural horizons or providing resources to help creative minds realise their visions.

Louisa Day, Deputy Director of Development and Alumni Engagement at DMU, explained: “A lot of our students get a full maintenance loan and have part-time jobs but they do not have any additional financial support beyond that.

“So, it can be difficult for them to access the opportunities that will further enhance their university experience.

“We know the university experience goes beyond what is learned in the classroom so the fund can help with small things like going to another city for an interview or a placement, or visiting an exhibition or show relevant to their course.

“It can also be there for someone who wants to join a sports team but needs help to pay for their kit.

“They are small amounts but these funds can make a difference between a student getting involved in an activity or not being able to take part at all.”

Louisa said recent gifts through the fund had helped pay for a student’s accommodation in London so they could take part in a job placement while another was awarded funds to pay for a trip to London so the student could go to an award show where they had been nominated for a prestigious prize.

“We wanted to create a fund that was accessible to anyone who wants to make a difference to students," Louisa added.

“We’ve already had donations from staff and alumni for which we are incredibly grateful. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount. Even the equivalent of a weekly coffee as a monthly donation soon adds up and will really make a difference to a student at DMU.”

Alumni and DMU staff can find out more about making a one-off donation or a regular monthly payment here.

As well as giving to the Opportunities Fund, alumni and staff can have their funds directed to a specific area of interest.

These are:

  • DMU Sport - to help pay for essential kit or elite-level equipment
  • DMU Global - which offers students travel opportunities to enrich their studies and develop skills valued by employers
  • DMU Create - to help pay for equipment and materials, work placements and travel to shows or exhibitions.

Students who would like to apply for money from the Opportunities Fund, to help with academic or personal development, should speak to their course leader or personal tutor who can support the application process.

Posted on Monday 30 September 2024

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