Centre for Urban Research on Austerity selected publications

Shaw, H.J. and Shaw, J.J.A. 2019. Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Justice and the Global Food Supply Chain, London and New York, Routledge

Davies J S, Bua A, Cortina-Oriol M and Thompson E. 2018. . Journal of Urban Affairs

Fishwick, A. and Connolly, H. 2018. . Rowman International

Griggs S, Howarth D and Feandeiro, A. 2018. . Journal of Urban Affairs

Guarneros-Meza V, Telleria I, Blas A and Pill M. 2018. The Jewel in the Crown: Co-optive Capacity and Participation During Austerity in Cardiff and San Sebastián-Donostia. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Ibarra Güell,  P. Marti-Puig, CortIna-OrIol, M, y Mittelman A. S. (eds.) 2018. Nuevos Movimientos Sociales: De La Calle A Los Ayuntamientos. Icaria

Jordan, J. 2016. . Journal of Cultural Policy and Management. 6(1): 44-55

Payne, J. 2018. . Journal of Education and Work

Roberts P, Sykes H and Granger, R (eds). 2017. Urban Regeneration. London: Sage. 2nd Edition

Whitham, B. 2018. . Political Studies Review.  16(4): 252-264